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Ticket Price


1. Our soft launch is from Dec. 28th, 2015 through Mar. 31st, 2016. Admission is free. Please book your visit online in advance.

2. From Apr. 1st through June. 30th, 2016, admission will be free for registered residents of Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan presenting ID Cards. Please book your visit online in advance.

3. General Admission: NT$250

4. Group Admission ticket: NT$230

Limited to groups of 10 or more people or to groups of 3 or more including a guide presenting official qualifications; all groups are required to rent a Group Tour System (each Group Tour System rental is NT$30)

5. Discount ticket price is NT$150

O.C. residents presenting national IDs (this requirement also applies to members of groups)

Students presenting International Student IDs (ISIC)

Visitors presenting Youth Travel Cards

6. Free Entry

Preschool children

People with disabilities and their accompanying helper (regardless of nationality)

Senior citizens above 65 years of age (R.O.C. nationality only)

Near-poor and low-income households (official certification required)

Domestic students (presenting a valid ID card from a diploma-based school approved by the Ministry of Education)

Registered residents of Taibao City, Puzi City and Liujiao Township.
